Vasicek Household Recipes Part One
This is an informal pasting of our personal "cookbook," not a proof-read consistent format sort of thing. The page numbers in the index are based upon the version we have in word. Sorry that does not work here!
Some original, most borrowed but changed and played with
This is only PART ONE.....
Latter recipes are noted to be Heart Healthy, meaning low cholesterol (not necessarily low sodium)
CP means easily adapted for the crock pot. The later recipes do not have that nomenclature'
6. Svickova/Czech sauerbraten CP
7. Ed's "Brimstone" Chili (Heart Healthy) CP
9. Ed's sauerkraut Kraut with Slovak variations CP
10. Hungarian Style Sauerkraut CP
15. Sourdough/Bread/Pizza Crust
16. Sourdough French Bread (Makes 2 loaves)
19. Marylu's Original Cranberry Chicken CP
20. Ed and Marylu's Original Oriental Cranberry Chicken
25. “Gyros” Inspired Beef Sandwich
26. Italian Beef Sandwiches For Crock Pot CP
29. African Chicken (for crock pot or slow cook) CP
30. African Chicken Basting Sauce for the Grill
38. Ed’s Crock Pot Chicken Casserole CP
39. Essence of Emeril Seasoning
40. Essence of Edward Seasoning/Mr. Eunicho’s
41. Marylu’s Tangy Crock Pot Beef CP
45. Best Meatballs Ever (Heart Healthy)
50. Cheese Dipping Sauce (for Fajitas or other Mexican dishes)
52. Giant Zucchini Stove-Top Side
CP = either uses a crock pot/slow cooker or can easily be adapted…
1. Chicken Paprikosh CP
4 lb. chicken 2TBS olive oil 1 medium to large onion 3/4 tsp. salt 1 can cream of chicken (or c. of mushroom) soup and water 1 cup sour cream 1 TBS. paprika [plus 1 tsp. hot paprika or dash cayenne]
Brown chicken pieces in oil w/onion till onions are transparent. Place chicken and pan drippings into casserole (or roaster) with soup, salt, and paprika. Place in oven and bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour. Remove from oven and stir in one cup sour cream and serve over drop dumplings (see below) or large egg noodles. People generally prefer drop dumplings!
2. Drop Dumplings
(we usually cook a double recipe) 2 Cups flour 1 whole egg (large or 2 small) or egg beater ¾cup milk (approx.; add as needed) ½ tsp. salt 2/3 tsp. baking powder (¾ tsp. if you like soft dumplings) Mix together to a dough consistency. Use milk as an adjuster. Spray a teaspoon with Cooking spray. Drop dumplings into salted boiling water from spoon. Boil for about 5 minutes after last dumpling is dropped in. Note: You may want to make a double batch of dumplings; if so,use a soup pot half-filled with boiling water.
3. Liver Dumplings
Don't be afraid: this is very mild tasting. Use this in chicken or beef broth. 1 pound liver (beef or chicken, beef is tastier) 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup bread crumbs (or dried bread) 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. chives (or onion powder) a few turns of black pepper 2 pinches of baking powder (add more for softer dumplings) 1 tsp. dried parsley flour (as needed) Grind liver, then all ingredients in processor. It looks disgusting. Add flour to bring it to a sticky-dough consistency. Spray a tablespoon with Cooking spray. Drop dumplings into boiling chicken broth (or water), dipping spoon into liquid when through to help the next dumpling find an easier release from the spoon. (One could try shaping them into meatballs, but it is messy!). Let boil for at least 20 minutes. Dumplings should eventually rise. Garnish with chives on broth. This recipe results in very mild liver dumplings. Traditionally, the liver is hand ground and mixed with less flour/crumbs.
4. Sour Cream Chicken
(a bit mushy, but very tasty) 1 Cup sour cream } ¾ tsp. tarragon } In a bowl, combine and 1 tsp. thyme } ½ tsp garlic powder } mix all these together 1 tsp. paprika } 2 tsp. salt } ½ stick margarine l cut up chicken (about 3 lbs.) 1and½ C. corn flakes, crushed Dip chicken in sour cream mixture, then coat in crumbs. In baking dish melt margarine in oven. Place chicken in dish and bake at 350 deg.. After 45 minutes, turn pieces over and bake 20 more minutes.
5. Ed’s Original Beef Stew CP
for the crock pot 1 can mushrooms 1/8cup red wine
fresh/dried parsley 1 level tsp. paprika
2 and ½ lbs. beef, cubed 4 to 5 bay leaves, whole
3-4 potatoes, skinned/cubed 2 cups (1 can) beef broth
3-4 carrots, diced/skinned ½C flour (to thicken)
1 large onion, minced salt (½tsp. for starters)
3-4 stalks celery, diced ½ tsp. basil
4 cloves garlic, minced lb. egg noodles
1 can peas, drained (or frozen) 1 C. water (for starters)
1 fresh tomato, chopped
1 TBS. dried marigold flower pedals or dash saffron
Variation: Add a can of stewed tomatoes Brown beef. Add all ingredients to crock pot EXCEPT flour and noodles. Cook on "high" for 4 and ½ to 5 hours, or low for 9 to 9and½ hours. Prepare egg noodles per directions on package. While the noodles are boiling, remove portions of meat from the stew and roll around in the flour, coating the meat. Return meat to stew. Continue doing this until desired thickness is achieved. Serve over noodles or with drop dumplings.
6. Svickova/Czech sauerbraten CP
Best meal in the Old World! Rump roast (2½ to 3 lbs.) or, better yet, filet 3 whole allspice 1 large carrot, skinned & ground 2 bay leaves 1 parsnip, skinned & fine ground 1 can beef broth ½ pt. sour cream 1 tsp. salt (for starters) ½ pt. sweet cream 1 tbs. white vinegar (or condensed sweetened milk) Cut meat into slices and brown in hot oil. Put in baking pan. Add all ingredients except for creams. Bake at 300 degrees for 2 hours, keeping slices almost covered with water. When done, remove from oven and stir in sweet and sour creams. Best served over bread dumplings (recipe is below), but also great with drop dumplings (see above). Noodles are acceptable but inferior! Option: The Old World way is to tenderize the meat by marinating in 1 C. wine or regular vinegar, l C. water overnight or even for up to two days. It is better that way!
7. Ed's "Brimstone" Chili (Heart Healthy) CP
2 lbs. super lean ground beef 1 pkg. Frozen mixed vegetables, 1 can chili-hot beans 1 can tomato soup 1 can black beans 1 handful chopped peppers (hot & mild)* 1 large onion, diced ½ tsp cocoa powder (dark is best) 4 cloves garlic ½ tsp. cummin 1 capful balsamic vinegar (or less) ½ tsp. chili powder 1 squeeze agava sweetner or honey 4 turns of the pepper mill 1 tsp. soup base (bullion) pork is best** ½ tsp. oregano ½ tsp. dried cilantro ½ tsp. or more coriander Brown onion, peppers & garlic and add to crock pot. Then brown beef, drain if needed, and add to crock pot. Add all ingredients into crock pot and cook on high for four hours. When done, test for salt. Optional: serve over pasta or with lettuce, sour cream, crackers, or cheese slice --or combinations of the above, if desired. *use whatever combination of mild, medium, or hot peppers you like. **pork base from Pezney’s is my favorite for this recipe; since the soup base and tomato soup is salty, I do not add additional salt until I can “taste test” it.
8. Bread Dumplings
These make firm dumplings. If you want them soft, increase baking powder from ½ to ¾ tsp. 2 cups flour 2 eggs ¾ tsp salt milk, as needed 2 slices white bread (can be stale), torn in to little pieces ½tsp. baking powder Mix all ingredients in bowl. Let sit for 5 minutes. Use milk to achieve a dough consistency (not too thin). Spray a 18" piece of foil with Cooking spray. Take a blob of the dough (the size of a small grapefruit) and place in middle of foil. Help shape it into an oblong roll. Rap in foil. Place these foil "monster dumplings" into rapidly boiling salted water.. Boil 20 minutes on one side; turn over and boil another twenty minutes on other. When done, remove from water with tongs and drain; remove from foil, place on plate and slice into bread-thick slices with sharp knife or wire. For family, make a double recipe and use a large soup pot. Excellent for Svickova, or roast pork with gravy. A great "gravy sponge." Good with Paprikosh.
9. Ed's sauerkraut Kraut with Slovak variations CP
MILD sauerkraut kraut, so if you enjoy it strong, do not use this; see your cook book! 3 cans sauerkraut kraut (16oz.), drained and rinsed once* 1/3 cup brown sugar* or more 5 turns of the pepper mill 7 pitted prunes ½ tsp. salt ½ cup barley 1 lb. polish sausage* 1 medium onion, diced water caraway seeds (optional), ¼tsp (*note: you may purchase Stokley's "Sweet 'N Sour Kraut, thus eliminating the need to add any sugar; rinse as you would regular kraut; this is what I now prefer to do). Spray crock-pot with Cooking spray; this will fill a small crock-pot! In a crock-pot, add kraut, sugar, prunes, barley, salt, pepper, and cover with water. Put on "high" while preparing the remaining ingredients. Cut up onion and sausage (in ¼ inch disks); spray a frying pan with Cooking spray (cast iron is best), brown them, mixing often. Brown onions to a medium-brown consistency. Add to crock-pot. Then take ½ cup water, add to frying pan, move "crusty stuff" around, and add to crock pot (it sounds disgusting, but it makes a difference). Cook on high for about 4 hours. You may need to add a little more sugar (perhaps 1-4 TBS.) if necessary--use your own preference as a guide. *we use turkey sausage to cut down on fat; however, the more the fat, the better the taste! Standard Polish Sausage (Kielbasa) is best. As an alternate, you can use either: pork neck bones, ham hocks, pork ribs, or pig tails. My preference is sausage!
10. Hungarian Style Sauerkraut CP
This is a very tasty variation and highly recommended! Better than the Slovak! 1 lb. polish sausage (Hillshire Farm) 3 cans sauerkraut 2 medium onions, diced ½ cup brown sugar 2 Tbs. HUNGARIAN paprika 1 can stewed tomatoes 2 bay leaves 1.25 cups water ½ pt. sour cream (or nonfat) ¼ cup barley oil for browning salt, as needed (¼ tsp. for starters) Cut up sausage into “silver dollar” disks. Brown onions and sausage disks in oil; add to crock pot/slow cooker. Squeeze and drain kraut (if it tastes too strong, then rinse it; I usually do not]; add to crock pot, then add paprika (that's right, 2 TBS.), bay leaves, tomatoes, barley and water –and all ingredients except sour cream. Cook on low for about 6 hours or high for 3. Turn off pot, let cool 5 minutes, and then mix in sour cream. Re-season with sugar or salt as needed. It's delish.
11. Hungarian Goulash CP
In Indiana, some people call beef 'n mac "goulash." Goulas (goulash) is actually a Hungarian/Slovak/ Czech dish made with cubed beef, and includes paprika, among other things. To avoid confusion, we call this recipe "Hungarian Goulas." This recipe is from Marylu’s Uncle Bill. ¼ cup shortening dash cayenne red pepper 2 lbs. beef chuck or 1 can consommé or bouillon round, cubed to 1 inch water (if needed to thin broth) 1 cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic, minced ¼ cup catsup 2 T Worcestershire Sauce 1 T Brown Sugar 2T Flour 2t salt 3 cups hot, cooked noodles* 2t paprika (*or bread dumplings or both) ½ t dry mustard Melt shortening in large (2 qt) skillet. Add beef, onion, and garlic. Cook and stir until meat is brown and onion is tender. Stir in catsup, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, salt, paprika, mustard, cayenne, and consommé' (or broth/bouillon mixture). Simmer 2 to 2&½ hours or until meat is tender (or use a slow cooker and cook 4 hours on high, 8 on low). Then blend flour and ¼ cup water. Stir gradually into meat mixture. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Serve over noodles or with bread dumplings.
12. Beef Paprikosh CP
This tastes very different from chicken Paprikosh & veal Paprikosh. It is easier to prepare than chicken Paprikosh, so that is a plus if time & energy are issues. We love it! 4lbs. round or chuck, cubed 1 inch 1 Cup water 1C chopped onion ½ C. green peppers, sautéed ½ tsp salt (add more to taste) ½ C. sour cream 1Tbs. flour 1 Tbs. paprika 1 bay leaf 1 pkg. frozen peas& carrots 1 cup beef broth
Brown cubed meat in oil and sauté peppers in oil. Dredge meat in flour (use more flour if necessary). Combine rest of ingredients and cook on low in crock-pot for 4-6 hours, or place in oven at 300 degrees for 3 hours. This will tenderize meat. Stir in sour cream and heat thoroughly. Serve over egg noodles. A cup of beef bouillon may be added at any time for more sauce.
13. A La Vash CP
This is a pot roast recipe developed by my (Ed's) dad. A nice change from the same old same old. 1 chuck roast (3-4 lbs) 4 potatoes, skinned, quartered into wedges 4-5 carrots, cut into wedges 1 can mushrooms, drained (fresh are best) 1 can green beans, drained 2 large onions, cut in eighths or so 2 tsp Parmesan cheese 2 sm. cans tomato sauce (or mild salsa) ½ cup red wine ½ head of cabbage, 8ths or 16ths ½ tsp. salt 4 cloves garlic, chopped 1 can peas, (optional) Spray a large baking pan w/Cooking spray. Place roast in pan, spread garlic, salt, and tomato sauce on roast. Add vegetables in their own little "colonies" (groupings) so that they are not mixed together. Bake covered at 325 to 350 degrees for 2&½ hours. A complete meal in itself. For Crock Pot: Brown roast first. Then add all ingredients plus ½ cup water and cook on high for 4 hours, low for 8 hours.
14. Sauerkraut Salad
This is a wonderful side dish for kraut lovers--a great alternative to Cole Slaw. 1 can Stokley's Sweet 'n Sour Kraut (or l can regular plus 1/3 cup sugar), squeezed and drained 1 tsp. oil (olive or canola.) or more, if desired ½ tsp. or more: celery seed (very important) ¾ cup applesauce Salt and pepper to taste Combine and mix all ingredients with a fork. Let chill for at least 1 hour, preferably more (even overnight); a real treat.
15. Sourdough/Bread/Pizza Crust
Sourdough Starter ¼ cup milk ¼ cup warm water ½ cup water 2 tsp. sugar 2 tsp. vegetable oil 1&½ tsp. salt 1 pkg. yeast 2 & 1/3 cup flour (enough for about 12 loaves) Scald milk, add water and oil, cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup water, add with sugar and salt to cooled milk mixture. Measure flour. Stir liquid into flour just enough to blend thoroughly. Cover. Let stand in warm place 12 to 18 hours to sour. May be stored tightly covered in refrigerator for several days. Measure amount needed and bring to room temp. before using.
16. Sourdough French Bread (Makes 2 loaves)
(also pizza crust; simply roll out) ½ cup milk 1&½ Tbs. sugar 1 cup water 2&½ tsp. salt 1&½ Tbs. veg. oil 4&¾ cups flour ¼ cup warm water 2 Tbs. Starter dough (110 to 115 degrees) for pizza dough: 1-2 small chopped, sautéed onions Scald milk, add water and oil; cool to lukewarm (for pizza dough, add onions here). Dissolve yeast if ¼ cup water; add with sugar and salt to cooled milk mixture. Place flour in large bowl. Pour milk mixture into 'well" made in center of flour. Add started, blend well. DO NOT KNEAD Place in greased bowl, grease top, cover & let rise in warm place until double, about 1 hour. Punch down and turn onto lightly floured board. DO NOT KNEAD. Divide dough in half. Roll each into an oblong, about 15 X 10 inches. Roll up tightly toward you, beginning at wide side, seal edges. With hand on each end, roll to taper ends. Place on baking sheet covered with foil. Pleat foil between loaves. With scissors, make cuts about 1/8" deep diagonally along loaf, about 2 inches apart. Let rise uncovered until a little more than double. Heat oven to 425 degrees. Bake 15 minutes, reduce heat to 350 degrees and continue baking 15 to 20 minutes longer, until golden brown. Remove rack and cool in a draft for a crisp crust.
17. Hawaiian Pork Chops CP
1 big package pork chops (3 lbs. or more) 1 TBS. Teriyaki/or 1 TBS soy 1 can pineapple chunks including liquid 1 to 1½ cups sprite (or 7-up) 4 cloves garlic, chopped salt (to taste – start with ¼tsp) ginger (1/8 tsp.) 3 cups cooked rice 2 to 3 TBS. corn starch w/ a bit of cold water dash cayenne Brown pork chops, place all ingredients (except rice) in a slow cooker (or oven at 200 degrees); cook for 4 hours (high). For last 10 minutes, add the mixture of starch and water (maybe 1/8th cup of water) to thicken. Pork will fall apart, so serve using a large serving spoon to serve. Great served on the bed of rice.
18. Alfredo Sauce
These proportions are guessed, and will probably serve 4 gluttons, 6 good eaters, 8 normal eaters, 10-12 bird-like eaters. Boil pasta accordingly. 1 quart half and half ½ lb. (or more) Parmesan cheese, grated 2 TBS. butter option: add cream cheese to sauce 2 TBS. flour SERVE OVER PASTA, traditionally fettuccini (but any pasta will do) Spray good-sized saucepan with "Cooking spray." Brown flour in butter very lightly to make a light roux. Gradually add half and half; mix well. It will thicken somewhat as it gets hot. Do not boil. When hot, add cheese. It is done. If sauce is not thick enough, you may mix flour with a little cold milk and add to mixture to thicken, or add more cheese.
19. Marylu's Original Cranberry Chicken CP
1 chicken, skinned and cut up ¼ tsp ginger
1 can jellied cranberry sauce 1 cup water
¼ tsp. cinnamon ¼ onion, diced
salt to taste 2-3 cups cooked rice
(sprayed with Cooking spray first). Cook on medium to high heat for 4 hours. Serve over bed of rice. (Green beans make a good side vegetable). *Jasmine rice is our favorite, but it is hard to get locally. If you are part of a food co-op, or going to Indy or Lafayette, find an oriental store and buy a big 25 lb. bag. It is very cheap that way.(The Dawsons got us onto Jasmine rice and also the blessings of an electric rice cooker; makes perfect rice every time and costs under $30. We use ours ALL THE TIME.)
20. Ed and Marylu's Original Oriental Cranberry Chicken
This was originally made from leftovers using the above meal. Marylu loves this so much that she typically makes the above recipe and then refrigerates it for Ed to make this recipe the following day. Diced cranberry chicken and sauce (from above) 7 carrots, sliced ½ head cabbage, chopped teriyaki sauce+ handful of fresh mushrooms msg (2 shakes) ½ bunch broccoli, chopped 1 diced onion 4 cloves garlic, chopped 2 TBS. sweet 'n sour sauce* 1 chicken bouillon cube 3 TBS. peanut oil 4TBS. corn starch 2 capfuls Szechwan sauce++
SERVE OVER RICE +=or soy sauce to taste *=or tbs. brown sugar, tbs lemon juice ++= or ½ tsp. black pepper Directions: Stir-fry vegetables (including onion and garlic) in wok+ first. Then add cooked meat with drippings; simmer with other seasonings. Then thicken with a mixture of starch and a bit of cold water. Use more starch, if necessary. +If you don't have a wok, consider buying one!
21. Yoshida’s Chicken CP
Yoshida's Hawaiian style sweet and sour sauce is available at Sam's Club (Oct. to February ONLY); they move it out to make room for barbecue sauce--so stock up when they have it. (You may substitute .5 small can of tomato sauce. .25 cups. Brown sugar, .25 cups lemon juice, and 2TBS. Teriyaki sauce for Yoshida’s). 4 chicken breasts, skinned and de-boned 1 cup chicken broth or water ¾ cup Yoshida's (or sweet & sour sauce) 2-3 TBS. cooking oil SERVE OVER COOKED RICE Brown chicken in oil, salt lightly. Place all ingredients in slow cooker/crock pot and cook on high for 4 hours, 7-8 on low. Serve over rice. If you want it thicker, you may add a little starch mixed with cool water and bring to a boil. EASY MEAL. Our family loves it.
22. Pepper Steak CP
1½ to 2 lbs. beef, cubed 2TBS. Teriyaki sauce ½ onion, finely diced dash salt 2 cloves garlic, chopped 3 dashes MSG/Accent 3 stuffing peppers, cut up 2 beef bouillon cubes 4 tomatoes, cut up 2 cups water 1 to 2 TBS. starch 3 TBS. oil (peanut is best) SERVE OVER A BED OF RICE Spray wok or skillet with Cooking spray. Brown beef, onion, and garlic. Then add tomatoes and peppers. Add all other ingredients (except starch), simmer 15 minutes. Mix starch with a bit of cold water and add to the pot to thicken. Mmmmm good. Note: If you do not have a wok, an IRON skillet is the next best thing. Use garlic cloves/onion rather than powdered when possible. Garlic and onion are much better when sautéed or brown than they are thrown in raw and simmered. You can adapt this for the crock pot by browning onions, peppers, and meat first.
23. Curried Chicken CP
We Vasiceks eat this one quite a bit. We do not usually use the coconut or peppers. 1 chicken (or leg quarters, etc.) cut up (we skin ours for health reasons) 2-3 TBS oil 1 small onion, diced salt as needed 2 cloves garlic, chopped diced (optional ingredient) 1½ tsp. curry powder or tandoori (better) 1 can stewed tomatoes 1 can pineapple chunks 4-6 TBS raisins or currants Optional: small stuffing pepper, chopped and/or ¼ cup shredded coconut. SERVE OVER A BED OF RICE Brown chicken, onion, garlic, and peppers in oil. Add all ingredients and cook in crock-pot (high for 4 hours) or bake covered in preheated oven (350 degrees) for 45 minutes or until tender. If you want thickened gravy, add a couple of TBS. of corn starch mixed with a little cold water to the mixture and boil.
24. Polish Lasagna CP
We grew up with Polish style stuffed cabbage (cabbage rolls). In one instance, my mother was in a hurry and decided she did not want to par boil a head of cabbage and roll them out. So she invented "Polish Lasagna," which is simply the ingredients from cabbage rolls laid out like lasagna. 2 lbs. ground beef * 1 large head of cabbage, cored and chopped 1 onion, diced 1½ cups COOKED rice 2 cloves garlic 1/3 cup uncooked oatmeal LOTS of salt (taste test when thru) 1 can tomato sauce paprika (1 tsp) 2 cans tomato soup marjoram (1 tsp) 1 can cream of mushroom soup pinch of mace (optional) (can of water per soup/sauce can)
*if you use extra lean ground beef – 90% lean or higher, you can use raw meat without browning; we buy 93% lean at Aldi’s.
Brown & drain beef, onion, and garlic Give them a good salting, add spices and cooked rice. Place in a large bowl and mix with rice, raw oatmeal, and can tomato sauce. Spray a Dutch oven or large baking pan with Cooking spray. Layer a bed of cabbage on the bottom (about ½), then meat/rice mixture, then rest of cabbage on top. Add soups, water, and lightly salt again. Bake at 300 degrees for 2 to 2.5 hours or until cabbage is tender. You will probably need to add more salt when done. Or layer in large crock pot (or make ½ recipe) and cook on low for up to 8 hours.
25. “Gyros” Inspired Beef Sandwich
Gyros are made from pressured ground beef, lamb, and seasonings, cooked over a rotisserie. This recipe is in the same family, but different. See Ground Turkey Gyros recipe below for another alternative. If you want a real gyros flavor, use the ground turkey recipe, but use ground lamb.
The Gyros Meat 2 lbs. chuck roast, tenderize with a Jaccard or meat tenderizer. If making indoors, slice into ¼" slices; marinate it overnight in the refrigerator....UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO GRILL IT; if so, see below. Marinade 1½ cups Red wine 1 tsp. marjoram 1TBS oregano ½ tsp. onion powder ½ tsp garlic ½ tsp pepper ¼salt 1/8 tsp MSG Bread Buy a package of pita/pocket bread. Prepare by browning on a (cast iron) skillet LIGHTLY with dash of olive oil, or, if making outdoors, on the grill. If making in-doors, broil on sprayed cookie sheets; add additional oregano (lots), onion/garlic powder, some salt, MSG and pepper on top of the meat. Turn over and broil on other side. Better: TO GRILL, MARINATE OVERNIGHT AND CUT INTO 1 INCH STEAKS. This is the best way! Then add lots of oregano, lots of garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, a few dashes of salt and MSG as you grill it. Serve with tomato slices (and/or onions) on Pita Bread. Sauce Tziki sauce is easy to make. 1 cup yogurt ½ tsp. marjoram ½ TBS. olive oil salt & pepper The Greek way is also to grind in some cucumber. I prefer it without. Simply mix and refrigerate to chill.
26. Italian Beef Sandwiches For Crock Pot CP
3-4 lb beef sirloin tip roast (chuck is okay if you are not going to slice) 2 tsp or more garlic powder 2 tsp onion powder 2-tsp oregano 2 tsp marjoram 2 tsp dried basil or more 2-tsp fennel seeds ½-tsp black pepper 1 stuffing pepper, chopped ½ tsp MSG (aka,”Accent”) ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes 1 tsp paprika ¼ tsp coarse kosher salt (taste test at end to see if more needed) 1--8 oz can tomato sauce 1 can beef stock You may either slice beef thinly on if you have a slicer, or cut into ½” steaks. Either brown them or throw them raw into crock-pot, along with all ingredients. Cook on high for at least 6 hours. Tear meat into shreds and return to crock pot if not sliced (which is what we do). Serve with Italian bread (buy at Martino’s carry out or use a crusty French bread) and make into sandwiches Optional goodies some people use when assembling the sandwiches include: giardinera (a pepper/celery/ olive mix in oil), sautéed or caramelized yellow onions, sautéed sweet pepper slices, slices of mozzarella, jack, or Provolone cheese. We Vasiceks use Chicago-style giardinera, which is available at Meijer’s or any grocery store in the Chicago area (make sure it is packed in oil, not vinegar).
27. Roast Duck
1 large roast duck (5 lbs. or more), fully defrosted salt 1 tablespoon caraway seed (optional) Quarter duck, allowing 1 quarter per person. Quartering can be a nasty business; you may have to break a few bones. Rinse quickly in cold water. Stab quarters with a fork being sure to pierce the skin. Make sure each quarter has at least 5 or 6 “stabs.” Rub with salt and sprinkle with caraway seeds. Roast quarters in a shallow pan; spray the pan with “Cooking spray’ first; it is preferable to cook the duck elevated (with a wire cooling rack, for instance) so that it does not sit in grease. Check pan after first hour and suck out excess grease with a baster (some grease in the pan is fine—you just don’t want the duck to be sitting in it). Bake in a 375 degree oven, uncovered, for anywhere from 1½ to 2.5 hours (2 hours is a good guess). You want the skin to be crispy. You obviously do not want any “red” near the bones, and I have found that when the skin is crispy, the duck is done. A duck may also be roasted whole (though I have never done so). Best served with Bread Dumplings (find this recipe above, just after our Chili recipe) and duck gravy (recipe below). A traditional side dish is either sauerkraut or sweet and sour (red or green) cabbage. Even coleslaw would be a good side.
28. Duck Gravy
This gravy is for the bread (or drop) dumplings eaten alongside the duck; the duck itself needs no gravy. 1 can Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup 1 TBS. duck grease/drippings ½ tsp. caraway seed ½ cup milk Spray a small saucepan with Cooking spray. Add all the ingredients above and mix with a wire whip. Slowly bring it to a simmer and let simmer over minimal heat for a few minutes until thoroughly hot. Good stuff.
29. African Chicken (for crock pot or slow cook) CP
Ed and one other Vasicek enjoy this dish (can’t remember if it’s Hannah or Luke). Ed loves it. His dad discovered the recipe years ago, and Ed has adapted it for the crock-pot. 1 Chicken, cut up or 3lbs chicken breast 1.25 tsp. salt ¼ t Tabasco sauce ¾ cup oil 3 T tomato paste ½ cup peanut butter water, (from ½ to 1 cup or more) 3 hard boiled eggs, shelled and halved 1t MSG (Accent)
flour 1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped SERVE OVER A BED OF RICE Brown onions & garlic and add to crock-pot. Dredge chicken in flour and brown in oil. Add all other ingredients--except for rice--into crock pot/slow cooker and cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8 (or bake in oven). Serve over a bed of rice.
30. African Chicken Basting Sauce for the Grill
Chicken pieces for grilling 2 TBS. tomato sauce
wder 2 TBS. peanut butter 1/8 tsp garlic powder Since two family members do not enjoy African Chicken, I satisfy this craving by make a simple basting sauce for the grill. Grill chicken pieces until nearly done. Apply basting sauce with a brush or spoon (it is thick) to one side. Turn over, apply to other. When sauce is warmed, serve.
31. Boeuf En Daub CP
Note: this needs marinating of 2 hours or more 1 cup red wine 2 t salt ¼ cup or more vegetable oil ½ tsp thyme 1 medium onion, chopped 1 t rosemary 4 stalks celery, chopped ½ tsp black pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 bay leaf 3 lbs. chuck cut in 2-inch cubes 1/3 cup flour 1 can (16 oz) tomatoes 1/3 cup sliced mushrooms 3 beef bouillon cubes ½ cup water SERVE OVER EGG NOODLES OR RICE Marinate beef in oil and wine for at least two hours. Brown onions, garlic in bit of oil. Add to crock-pot. Then brown beef cubes. Add to crock pot, along with all other ingredients (except noodles or rice). Cook on high for at least 4 hours or low for at least 8. Serve over prepared noodles or rice.
32. Chicken and Rice CP
1 chicken, cut up (or 3 lbs. breasts) 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 can mushrooms or 1 lb. fresh 1 bay leaf 1 can tomatoes 1 cup white wine 1 med. onion, chopped 1 tsp salt (or more) ¼ tsp. black pepper 1 cup chicken broth or cube & water flour 2 green peppers, diced ¼ tsp. basil ¼ tsp. parsley oil for browning SERVE OVER BED OF RICE Brown onion and chicken. Add all ingredients (except rice) to crock-pot and cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8.
33. Pizza Loaf
1 egg 2lbs. ground beef 1½ C. pizza sauce ¼ C chopped onions 1½ t salt 1 (4oz) can mushrooms ¼ t pepper 6 oz Mozzarella cheese, slices 3 cups corn flakes 1 handful pepperoni, chopped Place egg, pizza sauce, salt & pepper & corn flakes in a large bowl. Beat until thoroughly combined. Add ground beef, onion, pepperoni, mushrooms; mix lightly but thoroughly. Press half of mixture evenly in bottom of greased 8 X 8 X 2 inch baking pan. Place two slices of cheese over meat mixture. Press remaining meat over that cheese. Bake in 350-degree oven about 1 hour. Then cut remaining cheese into narrow strips; remove meat loaf from oven, drain excess fat. Lattice the cheese strips over loaf, return to oven and bake for 3 minutes.
34. Beef Stroganoff CP
1½ lb. beef, cubed ½ lb. sliced mushrooms
1 cup onions, 2 cloves garlic chopped 2 T. Butter, 2 T flour
2 beef bouillon cubes, crushed 1/3 C boiling water
2 T tomato paste 2 T Worcestershire sauce
2 t salt 1/8 t pepper
1 C sour cream water, as needed
Cut beef into ½ inch pieces. Coat skillet with Cooking spray or oil. Brown meat and remove from skillet. Clean skillet. Re-spray with Cooking spray, and then melt butter. Lightly brown onions/garlic and mushrooms in butter. Blend flour into 1/3 C cold water and add to mixture. Keep stirring. Dissolve bouillon in hot water and add to mixture. Stir well in skillet. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper, & Worcestershire sauce. Then add beef. Simmer gently for 10 or 15 minutes until tender. Remove from heat. Mix in sour cream. Or brown beef and onions. Add all ingredients to crock pot except for sour cream and flour. Cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8. When done, lightly brown flour in a 2 T. butter or oil. Wisk in one or two cups of liquid from crock pot, whisking to remove lumps. Return to crock pot. Serve over cooked egg noodles or dumplings.
35. Penne Lasagna
1-24 oz tub fat free cottage cheese 1 egg 1 lb package of penne rigatti, mostaccioli, ¾ cup parmesan cheese or ziti, cooked 1½ cups mozzarella cheese, shredded 1 lb. ground turkey 1 small onion, chopped 1 zucchini, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, diced 1- 2 tsp basil 1 tsp parsley 1 can tomato sauce 1 jar spaghetti sauce (26 oz) 1½ tsp essence of Edward or seasoned salt Drain cottage cheese. Add 1 egg, .25 cups parmesan. Set aside. Then brown meat with onions & garlic, then added shredded zucchini; season with .5 tsp essence and basil. Cook pasta, drain. In a 9 X 11 sprayed pan, ladle some spaghetti sauce, then cooked pasta; then layer ½ of cottage cheese mixture; sprinkle with some mozzarella and essence. Then more pasta, then sauce, all of meat (already browned and seasoned) and all of zucchini; sprinkle with essence again. Layer rest of cheese mixture next, then sprinkle with parmesan and mozzarella and essence. Add rest of pasta, then sauce and rest of cheese. Add remaining essence (if any) on top. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
36. Playful Dough
2/3 cup margarine or butter (room temperature) *(I sometimes need to add an extra tablespoon) 1 and 2/3 C all-purpose flour 1/3 C sugar ½ tsp. almond or vanilla extract food coloring (your choices) Combine all ingredients and work it (with your hands) until it is the consistency of play dough. You may divide into portions and add food coloring as desired. Shape playful dough into desired “fun shapes.” To bake: Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Bake for 10 to 20 minutes or until done (depending upon size of cookies). The colors remain true and the cookies hold their shape.
37. Stuffed Artichokes
4 artichokes, edges trimmed live oil for drizzling 2 to 3 cups bread crumbs ¼ cup Parmesan cheese, grated basil garlic powder onion powder oregano parsley 1 cup spaghetti sauce salt and pepper Trim the artichokes. Cut off the stems and the tops of the pointy leaves. Par-boil in a pot with the stem side down (to speed cooking) for 15-20 minutes. Remove from pot and discard water. Rinse artichokes under cold water to cool for easier handling. Spread open the leaves, and then apply previously mixed seasoned-breadcrumb stuffing (see below). Use a spoon to get deep between the leaves, occasionally cupping the artichoke in two hands and tapping the artichoke on the table to help the stuffing settle. Then drizzle with olive oil and spoon on spaghetti sauce. Bake in a pan with some water. Cover with foil (over all) and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes or until done. Hint: A longer par-boil time will reduce the bake time. Stuffing: Combine breadcrumbs, cheese, and all dry seasonings; this makes up the stuffing. Note: we use about 1/3 cup crumb mixture for a small choke, about ½ or more for a larger choke.
38. Ed’s Crock Pot Chicken Casserole CP
4 chicken breasts ½ lb. noodles, uncooked 2 medium onions, chopped 2 tsp. Essence of Emeril (see below) or Cajun 6 cloves garlic, chopped 2 cans mixed veggies, drained 2 cups chicken stock 2 cans mushrooms, drained (or fresh) 3-4 inches Velveeta, grated* Light olive oil (or other suitable oil) 1 cup water (less water if you use store-bought noodles) salt (to taste when done because cheese/essence are salty) *or cubed if you add at beginning of crock pot cooking Brown onion in light olive oil. Cut chicken into 1-inch cubes and add to onions. Add chopped garlic. Spray crock-pot with Cooking spray. Add all ingredients (except for cheese—but you can add it if you do not mind it curdling) and cook on high for four hours. Just before done, add grated Velveeta and stir in. Taste and re-season with extra Essence of Emeril at this point.
39. For Essence of Emeril recipe, visit the Food Network Site
40. Essence of Edward Seasoning/Mr. Eunicho’s
Perfect for hamburgers, chops, steaks, etc. 2 parts salt 2 parts pepper 1 part paprika 1 part Accent (msg) ½ part garlic powder ½ part onion powder 1/6 part red pepper (cayenne) Mix by the teaspoonful or tablespoonful. Use a plastic zip-lock bag to shake ingredients together. Store in a jar, shaker (our preference) or zip-lock bag. For Mr. Eunicho’s, leave out the red pepper (cayenne)
41. Marylu’s Tangy Crock Pot Beef CP
1 pot roast, cubed 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1 onion, chopped 2-6oz cans tomato sauce 1½ tsp. Essence of Emeril salt (to taste) Sauté onions, brown lightly salted meat. Add all to crock-pot. Cook on “high” for at least 4 hours or low for at least 8. Taste for salt; add more if needed. Serve over noodles or rice.
42. Fast Noodle Side Dish
(great for left over noodles)approx. 8 oz. noodles, cooked 1 tomato, diced
1½ tsp. Essence of Emeril 3 inches of Velveeta, shredded or cut into thin strips
Mix all ingredients in a bowl suitable for the microwave. Cook on high for 5-7 minutes, mix and serve.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl suitable for the microwave. Cook on high for 5-7 minutes, mix and serve.
43. Cranberry Barbecued Ribs
I found the idea for this recipe in a cookbook, but I made some significant changes to the point that it is barely recognizable. But it tastes wonderful! I prefer it to any store bought barbecue sauce—or any, period. But, as the British say, “There is no accounting for taste.” 1 can jellied cranberries (any brand) 2 capfuls balsamic vinegar 4 cloves garlic, diced* 1/8 tsp. cayenne (minimum) 1/8tsp ground ginger* ¼ tsp. black pepper ¼ cup. Teriyaki sauce* ½ tsp. onion powder ¼ tsp. Essence of Emeril Dry Marinade day before: Essence of Emeril (about 2 TBS) (Note: for chicken, Marylu says lot less vinegar and lot more garlic!) * these items can be replaced by ¼ cup Yoshida’s garlic and ginger sauce The day before: Simmer ribs for one hour in salted (½ tsp salt) water, half covered. This will make the meat tender and also cook it through. Remove meat from water, let cool. Then rub generous amounts of Essence of Emeril on both sides; wrap in plastic and foil and put in refrigerator. An hour before serving: Prepare barbecue sauce by preparing a double boiler. Heat and mash cranberries in hot double boiler (I use a whip beater), add all remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly; when well blended, turn off. Warm up gas grill; when hot, turn burners to low/medium. Place ribs on rack. When they begin to brown lightly, turn over (this doesn’t take long). Then brush the lightly- browned side with sauce; “paint” into cracks and crevices. When other side is brown (just a few minutes), turn over and paint with sauce. Let each side cook with sauce on till it just begins to turn dark in a few spots. Place remaining sauce in bowl as a serving sauce.
44. Taco Casserole CP
This recipe comes from our old friend, Sylvia Johnson, formerly of Kokomo (now in Yakima, WA). 1 pkg taco seasoning (enchilada mix is better) 1 lb. ground beef 1 onion, chopped 2 cups grated cheddar cheese 1 bell pepper, chopped 1 can pinto beans 3-4 flour or soft corn tortillas, torn 1 can Cream of Mushroom and 1 can Ro-tel tomatoes with chilies, mixed together Brown beef with onion and peppers; drain. Season with mix as you would for tacos or enchiladas. Add pintos. Spray casserole with Cooking spray; put half of hamburger mixture into casserole. Sprinkle some of the cheddar cheese. Place half of the torn tortillas on top; pour rest of hamburger mixture, then top with rest of tortillas. Pour soup/Ro-tel mixture on top of casserole. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake until heated through about 45 minutes at 350 degrees or layer in crock pot and cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8, adding an extra can of tomato sauce and water. Offer your favorite hot sauces for those who want to kick it up a notch. Or cook in crock pot on high for 3 hours or low for 6, but not as long as usual.
45. Best Meatballs Ever (Heart Healthy)
Mixture: 1 lb. 96% lean ground beef 1 medium onion, chopped fine ½ cup bread crumbs 1 egg beater 3 cloves garlic, crushed fine or powder 1 tsp.. basil ½ tsp. kosher salt ¼ tsp. oregano 1 Tbs. Parsley 1 tsp. marjoram leaf Two turns black pepper ¼ tsp nutmeg or mace Dash msg Mix all ingredients and form into 8 meatballs. Either bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or drop raw into simmering marinara sauce. For Marinara sauce, see number 97, or use store bought.
46. Enchiladas Troppitas
This is Marylu’s original recipe. 1 to 1½ lbs. round steak (or leftover meat) ½ tsp Essence of Emeril 1 can water chestnuts, drained 1 can tomato sauce OR fresh cut up jicama (optional) 1 onion chopped 1 tsp. teriyaki sauce 1 pkg. large flour tortillas 3 Cheese Mexican Cheese mix chili powder OR shredded cheddar or favorite cheese 1 pkg. enchilada mix & tomato paste oil for frying steak (1-2 tbs) water rice, cooked (1 cup) –can be leftover corn (1 can drained or fresh cooked) chives, green onions, or ½ fine cut onion Brown round steak with onion and Essence of Emeril in oil. Then add 1 can tomato sauce, teriyaki sauce, and half can of water. Let cool if time. Shred meat mixture. In tortillas, apply meat and pan sauce, rice, corn, chives (or fine cut onion) and cheese as desired. Season with chili powder. Roll up tortillas. You may not want to make all 12 (it is up to you). Place in casserole dish (or two). Pour enchilada sauce over all, add more cheese. Then microwave until hot and gooey (about 15 minutes) or bake. Serve with favorite salsas. Delicious! Also may be served over a bed of lettuce.
47. Chicken Basilamente
This is Ed’s original recipe, great for early Fall when the tomatoes are ripe and we have fresh basil and rosemary. Alternatively, one could use dried seasonings and 1 can stewed tomatoes, allowing extra time for the water to evaporate. Normally, this meal can be cooked in about ½ hour. 4 chicken breasts, boneless/skinned 1 large onion, chopped 4 fresh tomatoes, diced 3 cloves garlic, chopped 7 fresh basil leaves, chopped olive oil 1½ inch spring rosemary salt/pepper dash Essence of Emeril 1 lb. pasta, cooked Sauce Roux: 1½ TB butter, 1½ TB olive oil 3.5 TBS. flour 2 cups half/half or milk (more if needed) salt/pepper garlic powder (1/8tsp) ½ cup shredded cheddar ½ cup cheese or m more (¼ cup cheddar, 1/8 provolone, 1/8 cup parmesan cheese your choice) Prepare pasta, chicken, and sauce at about the same time. Cut chicken into finger strips. Sweat onions in olive oil. Then brown chicken in a frying pan. When browned, add basil, garlic, rosemary, dash pepper, salt, and essence. Then tomatoes and heat (medium/low) until most liquid is evaporated. Meanwhile, at same time, lightly brown flour is oil/butter (make a roux). Then whisk in milk, garlic powder, salt/pepper. Whisk till well mixed, heat on low flame stirring often. When thickened, add cheese. To serve, either (1) place a bed of pasta on plate. Top with chicken mixture, sauce, and parmesan cheese, or (2) put chicken in one corner of plate, pasta topped with sauce in other, topping all with parmesan cheese.
48. Mediterranean Bread
Dough: 1 envelope (2.5 tsp) active dry yeast 1 cup warm water pinch of sugar 1½ tsp.salt herbs/spices (see below) 1 TBS. olive oil and additional for brushing 3 TBS. whole wheat flour 3.25 cups bread flour (more or less) Dissolve yeast in warm water and sugar; five minutes later, add the salt, whole wheat flour, and oil. Gradually add the white flour, stirring with a wooden spoon until you achieve a stiff dough. Place the dough on a floured board, knead by hand for ten minutes or seven by machine; add additional flour as needed to keep dough from sticking.
When dough is smooth, move it to a bowl that has first been brushed with olive oil. Brush top of dough with olive oil. Cover the dough with plastic or a cloth and let it rise in a warm place until it doubles in size. This will take somewhere between 1 and 2 hours. Punch down the dough and knead again for one minute. Let the dough rise a second time for about 40 minutes. Then punch it down again. If it seems sticky, add a bit more flour. Let it rest, covered, for about 15-20 minutes. Roll out the dough or spread and flatten by hand to about a 12 inch circle. Brush generously with olive oil, then add the following toppings: ½ tsp. finely minced garlic, generous sprinkling of the following herbs (we used dry, but fresh are always better if you have them): oregano, marjoram, thyme, chives, basil, parsley, just a bit of rosemary optional: dried sweet red pepper or finely cut and sautéed sweet red bell pepper to taste Bake on pizza stone at 350 degrees for somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes. When done, take out of oven and immediately sprinkle with:1/3 cup parmesan (freshly grated is best)
49. Mexicana CP
1 lb. ground beef (or venison or turkey) 1 can (14-16 oz) corn, drained 1 pkg. macaroni & cheese mix 2 -8oz. cans tomato sauce Salt to taste when done ½ tsp. garlic powder Brown ground beef in a large skillet; drain fat. While browning beef, boil noodles from Mac mix (save the cheese packet for later). When noodles are tender and beef is browned and drained, drain noodles and add to beef. Then add both cans of tomato sauce (and one can water), corn, cheese packet mix, and garlic powder. Simmer for at least ten minutes on low (best if covered), stirring occasionally. Do not salt until tasted AFTER cheese mix is added (it contains a lot of salt). Serve in bowls with your favorite hot sauce (if desired). You can make in crock pot as well; brown & drain ground beef cook all ingredients except macaroni & cheese mix on high for 3-4 hours, low for 6-8 hours.
50. Cheese Dipping Sauce (for Fajitas or other Mexican dishes)
3 inches Velveeta, cubed 2 heaping TBS. sour cream ½ cup milk 2-3 TBS. mild chunky salsa Mix all ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl. Cook in microphone until everything is well melted and mix. Serve in small min-bowls (one per person; this is best for dipping) or pour into a bowl and serve with gravy spoon (this is good for pouring into center). Can be used with fajitas, enchiladas, as a dipping sauce for tortilla chips, or for tacos.
51. Broccoli Slaw Salad
This is one of the few vegetable dishes of which I could almost make a complete meal.
1- 12 0z. pkg. Rainbow slaw 1 pkg. Ramen noodles (chicken flavor) ¼ cup finely chopped red onion 2 oz. sliced almonds 2 oz. sunflower seeds
Dressing: 1/3 c. olive oil 1/3 cup cider or wine or balsamic vinegar
1/3 c sugar chicken flavor packet (from Ramen soup mix) Mix well and refrigerate overnight….delicious!!!
52. Giant Zucchini Stove-Top Side
When you get those giant zucchinis, here is a great recipe for them. 1 giant zucchini (12 inches long), skinned, seeded & sliced (or 5- 6 small zucchini, sliced) 2 long sweet peppers (or 1 large sweet green pepper), seeded and sliced 1 can stewed tomatoes l can tomato sauce ½ to ¾ cup water ½ purple or Vidalia onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic salt to taste black pepper: 5 or 6 turns of the mill ¾ tsp brown sugar 1 to 2 TBS. olive oil Spray a large saucepan with Cooking spray. Add olive oil and very lightly brown onions. Add all other ingredients (except tomato sauce) on a medium heat. When it begins to simmer, reduce to low heat and simmer 10 minutes, occasionally stirring. Add tomato sauce and simmer another 5 minutes.
53. Pineapple Filling
2-20ounce pineapples, sliced and cut up in pieces ½ cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 TBS. lemon juice Additional 2 TBS butter, dabbed around filling Mix filling (except butter); dab butter around filling and bake as you would other pies
54. Dan Boyd’s “Roast” CP
This “roast” is actually cooked in the crock-pot.
My pastor buddy, Pastor Dan Boyd, had a group of his pastor buddies for lunch. He made venison “roast” in the crock-pot. This is great for a beef roast, too. The gravy is delicious.
1 large beef chuck/pot roast or venison roast 1 onion, diced
1 can Cream of Celery Soup 2 cloves garlic, mashed
1 can Tomato Soup 4 carrots, cleaned and sliced
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup* 4 potatoes, diced
salt to taste oil (for browning)
1 can water
Tenderize meat with a jaccard or fork. Lightly brown onions and add to crock-pot. Brown both sides of the roast and add it and all ingredients to crock-pot. Cook on high for at least 4 hours. Serve with Italian or other crusty bread and salad to top off the meal.
*If your roast is not that large and this would make too much gravy, you can eliminate the Cream of Mushroom Soup. The other two soups are essential!