140. Salmon with Chipotle Hummus Sauce (Heart Healthy)
This is my original recipe, and I must admit that I impressed my own self. The sauce would also work with chicken, other fish, or even salmon patties.
2 salmon fillets 1 heaping TBS tomato paste
Olive oil to brown (2 or 3 TBS) 1 heaping TBS chipotle hummus++
½ tsp. cumin ½ tsp. agave or corn syrup or brown sugar
Pinch of salt (careful) pinch of thyme (lemon thyme is best)
1 cup chicken stock (or equivalent)* water (about ¼ cup)
Dried (½ tsp) onion greens or dash powder
Spray frying pan with no-stick coating. Heat with about 2 TBS. olive oil, add cumin and stir. Let cumin get aromatic a minute. Then add salmon, lightly brown both sides, lightly salting. Add chicken stock and simmer for about 7 minutes on low/medium flame.
In a cup or bowl, combine tomato paste, hummus, sweetening agent, thyme, water, onion green, and mix well. Pour over top of simmering fish and simmer on low or low medium heat for another 5 minutes.
Serve over a bed of cooked rice.
This is very tasty. Canned greens cooked with 1 tsp. jalapeño jelly and dash of salt make a good side dish.
- I use vegetta, but you can used canned stock or bullion and water
- ++ I buy this already made at Aldi. If you cannot find chipotle hummus, you can use regular hummus and add either a small piece of chipotle pepper diced or use a dash of cayenne. This should be on the mild to medium side, not a hot dish.