Becoming People of the Book
By Ed Vasicek
[Note: this is appropriate for Messianic Jews and evangelical Christians, but written with evangelicals in mind]
1. There's a famine in My Kingdom,
But not of bread nor wine,
The famine is My Holy Word
The Book of My design.
2. Man lives not be bread alone,
But by My holy Word.
Why do they play religion?
These infants should have grown!
Why do they call My people to sprint, when I tell them to marathon?
Why do they imbibe broken cisterns, not the waters of the Son?
Can't they tell my Spirit from their own adrenaline?
How tragic: My children are ignorant of the Word!
3. Discipleship means study,
Offers neither glitz nor glow.
If you don't master the written Word,
Your Master you won't know.
A revival here, a movement there, look, come and see!
A song that touches hearts, a moving video or three.
But discipleship and renewing the mind?
That's for cold fish in the sea.
4. Trash the fads and movements --
Get off the world's hook.
Let My people be as they should be:
People of the Book.
© 2015 by Edward J. Vasicek
Permission is given to use these lyrics freely, as long as the author is mentioned if these lyrics are published.
A Simple Prayer
[Note: this is not a Messianic song, per se, but useful for many congregations].
By Ed Vasicek
1. Lord cleanse our hearts,
Many idols are entrenched.
Jesus’ blood
Can cleanse repentant hearts.
2. Lord, feed your lambs.
Give us an appetite for You.
For your Word.
Help us hunger after You.
Chorus (sung after even verses perhaps)
A simple prayer,
To the God of grace and mercy.
Our Leader firm. Who brings order from disarray.
His plans are sure. No other guides our journey.
I love him more, through stormy and bright days.
3. Lord, fill your lamps.
By your Spirit brighten us.
Take our lives,
Help us walk by faith in You.
4. Lord, help control
Our passions and our pride.
Conform to you,
For evil rages in my heart.
5. Lord help us live,
One at church, home and world.
Only one of me,
Not duplicity but love.
6. Lord, send the light
To those open to your truth.
Far and near,
To the ends of all the earth.
7. Lord Jesus come
To rapture and to reign,
On Zion’s hill,
In Jerusalem
8. Lord of all,
New heaven and new earth,
New Jerusalem,
Our destiny of joy!
©2013 Edward J. Vasicek Permission given to freely use in any form as long as lyrics are credited to the author.
Simcha for Yeshua's Birth
By Ed Vasicek
1. To an Almah would come Emmanuel,
so did Isaiah prophesy.
When the time of Messiah was upon us,
Almah Miryam would bear the holy child.
Let’s have a Simcha for Yeshua
As we feast and celebrate his birth.
We make ourselves merry for Emmanuel
We sing, shout, and feast in our mirth.
2. Off to Bethlehem to register
Augustus must have his Roman tax.
Caravanning from all remote spots
David’s offspring filled it to the max.
3. Time for the Messiah, time for labor.
Poor Miryam and Yosef needed space.
The Inn was filled with strangers,
A stable became the house of grace.
4. The Alma, Miriam, and Yosef,
Were shocked by the knock on the door.
What stories they heard from the shepherds!
So many miracles, what more?
©2012 Edward J. Vasicek Permission given to freely use in any form as long as lyrics are credited to the author.
Revering the Name of Yahweh
By Ed Vasicek
1. Yahweh is glorious
Yahweh is King.
Yahweh is victorious,
His praises we sing!
2. Revere His sacred Name.
Say it still the same.
We have Yeshua’s righteousness
Baruch Ha Shem, we bless.
Chorus (suggested every two verses and at the end)
He is the self existent One.
He brings into being
All that is or that will be.
Every breath
Is a gift from Him
Height and depth and space and time.
Amen and amen!
3. Yahweh is loving,
And His love reached me.
Yahweh is holy,
The darkness must flee.
4. Yahweh has saved me,
From sin and the curse,
He sent Yeshua,
The curse to reverse.
5. I bless Yahweh,
Yeshua, my Lord
I bless Him Elohim,
And my knee I bend.
©2013 Edward J. Vasicek Permission given to freely use in any form as long as lyrics are credited to the author.
The Mezuzah Song
By Ed Vasicek
1. I am a living Mezuzah,
The Law roosts in my heart.
Stone to flesh, B’rit Hadassha
Yeshua, the missing part.
Yeshua! Yeshua! We rejoice in you!
Messiah descended to earth for us.
Yeshua! Yeshua! We worship you.
Emmanuel, Elohim with us.
2. Alive and filled with shalom,
Fruit of the Spirit, hessed.
No more a wanderer, at home
The Ruach blew life from death.
3. Oh you my people Israel,
Goyim far and near.
Messiah opens his arms for all,
As a compassionate shepherd cares.
©2012 Edward J. Vasicek Permission given to freely use in any form as long as lyrics are credited to the author.
By Ed Vasicek
Before the Milky Way glowed,
Or the galaxy was founded,
Before the earth was carved out,
Or the blazing sun rounded,
You loved me!
Before the orbits were charted,
Or Saturn's rings designed,
Before the comets darted,
Or gravity could bind,
You knew me!
Before the solar winds blew,
Or the moon patrolled as guard,
Before beautiful Venus boasted,
Or gypsy asteroids wandered,
You chose me!
(possible bridge or simply eliminate)
There was a time when there was no time,
When the continuum was not.
Yet God had plans before that time,
Even though then time was not!
©2008 Edward J. Vasicek
Permission given to use in any form as long
as lyrics are credited to the author.
By Ed Vasicek
Shema Israel, our Lord is One.
Shema Israel
David's promised root has come
Shema Israel
Yeshua is His Name
Shema Israel,
Forever He will reign.
Shema Israel, our Messiah Atones
Shema Israel,
Our sins He has born.
Shema Israel,
Child of Abraham receive
Shema Israel,
Let your open heart believe.
Shema Israel, Our nation will arise
Shema Israel
Onward to Zion for praise!
Shema Israel,
Adonai's Tanakh confess
Shema Israel
Jacob's children to bless
©2008 Edward J. Vasicek
Permission given to use in any form as long
as lyrics are credited to the author.
The Yom Kippur Ribbon
(based on Zechariah 12-14 and the Talmud)
By Ed Vasicek
Devout Jews mourned their many sins,
The bull bled for Aaron's family.
To where God would meet that man,
Incense masked the Seat of Mercy.
The sprinkled blood, the bull sacrifice,
To cleanse self, wife and daughter.
For Israel's sins he cast the dice
One goat for life, one to slaughter.
Aaron's oldest only in that place,
See the Ark of the Covenant!
Israel hopes to find God's grace,
Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement.
Ribbon tied to the scapegoat
Would change from red to white
Yahweh cancelled their sin debt
Outward sin, not inward blight.
The ribbon stubbornly crimson?
The nation would not kiss the Son!
No goat nor bull could now atone
Israel staggers till Messiah's return.
Gaze upon the one they pierced --
They'll mourn in grief and wonder.
Righteous One, revive the race --
And defend them with Your thunder.
© 2008 by Edward J. Vasicek. Permission
granted to use these lyrics gratis as long as
the author is given credit.
By Ed Vasicek
The Holy Day of Passover is past,
But seven more days, bread without yeast.
Yeast, symbol of sin, death's dark cast,
Unleavened Matzo: purity and peace
Messiah, our Pascal Lamb, has died,
To expel and extract the leaven within.
For our salvation,"finished!" He cried,
Scrubbed our stained souls from sin.
The Wrath of Heaven He satisfied,
The broken bridge restored.
In harmony and peace with God,
Joint-heirs, we, of His reward.
Live as though unleavened bread,
A lifetime of holiness for our King.
For Yeshua, our Messianic Friend,
Dealt a deathblow to death's sting.
© 2008 by Edward J. Vasicek; may be freely used as long as credit is given to the author.
By Ed Vasicek
How was Abraham justified,
Before our heavenly Father?
By faith and by faith alone
In the promise God had given.
How was Abraham justified,
Before the men before him?
Was it not by works that they could see?
God sees within, man's eyes are dim.
Though they mix together in life,
Tis one produces the other,
A living faith must produce works,
In the life of a true believer.
© 2008 by Edward J. Vasicek; may be freely used as long as credit is given to the author.
Tabernacle Joy
By Ed Vasicek
The Son set His tent on our ground
To redeem the people of the Land.
The musicians played in Israel's band
But the people refused to dance.
The holy Mount, Transfiguration,
Peter, James, John --what a sight.
Christ in glory, Moses, and Elijah --
"Let's build some booths," Peter chimed.
But joy and greater glory will come
When Christ returns to reign,
Tabernacle joy, the ruling Son
The King's feast, the Millennium.
The nations will rejoice before God,
From Egypt and all the nations,
As Messiah rules from Zion's sod,
They wave their palms, celebration!
Those who know Him already taste His joy,
Carnival, the, music, the laughter.
Tabernacle exhuberance fills our hearts,
His Spirit brings life from the Master.
© 2008 by Edward J. Vasicek; may be freely used as long as credit is given to the author.
Song Very Traditional (hymn-like)
Jesus Died In Gloom on Calvary
Lyrics by Ed Vasicek
Jesus died in gloom at Calvary
Guilty sinners to redeem.
As His blood flowed in His anguish
Grace and cleansing power we see.
Jesus, how we love and thank You
For the anguish of Your soul.
Though the burden was so biting,
Through your death we are made whole.
But with this? More starlight shining
From the radiant reign of love?
Jesus rose now, death defying
And ascended up above.
He the First fruits! Hail the Victor!
Robed in light, the Lamb now lives!
Ever praying for His children,
Never ending grace to give.
In His hour He hastens sky-ward
For His friends to fly above.
And we'll hear His wounds still whisper
"For you sinners, see my love!"
Mighty Master, striking Savior
Soon o'er heaven and earth to reign.
Prince of our peace, Sovereign Ruler,
Praise Him now and for all time!
©2008 Edward J. Vasicek
Permission given to use in any form as long
as lyrics are credited to the author.
Outstretched Arms
By Ed Vasicek
Outstretched arms bought my peace
With my heavenly Father.
As God in human flesh, Christ reached
Both God and me together.
It was for me He came and died,
His death to seal my pardon.
But then He rose, the angel cried,
"He's gone, for He has risen."
I was so lost, so far away --
No friend to my Creator.
But Jesus came to me one day,
And now we walk together.
The road is rough, the lanes seem long,
I know my destination.
Outstretched arms bear me along,
I do not fear desertion.
For none of this depends on me,
His grace is freely given.
When turning from my sin, I called,
His answer came from heaven.
©2008 Edward J. Vasicek
Permission given to use in any form as long
as lyrics are credited to the author.
The Messianic Baptism Song
By Ed Vasicek
I am going to observe Mikveh
For it is Yeshua's Mitzvah.
A command not an option
An opportunity not to shun.
A simple dip in the water, not show
A chance to obey and a way to grow.
I glory in my holy Messiah
David's Son who is my way.
Neither by works nor by water
I, who was once the skeptic scoffer.
No, brought into grace by faith!
Now freed from guilt's dense weight.
Ritually immersed to confess Him,
Step of obedience for his talmidim.
To study Tanakh and Brit Chadashah
So I can be just like my Master.
Shalom elechem one and all.
Shalom with God, O Israel!
The Messiah waits for you to stand,
Believe. embrace his nail-pierced hands.
© 2010 Edward J. Vasicek. May be freely used as long as credit is given to the author.
Don't Miss the Son
By Ed Vasicek
1. He is the Matzo, the Sinless One
He is the Manna, come down from heaven.
If you are wise, you will kiss the Son,
And brush away the leaven.
For unbelief, Canaan had to wait.
No chance to repent, it was too late.
Bodies dropped in the wilderness heat,
Till a new generation would believe.
2. So blow the shofar, and sound the call.
And sound the trumpets for one and all.
Count the days for His return to come
The Lamb who is the Son.
Repeat chorus
3. Celebrate the Torah, divine mitzvot.
Celebrate the Prophets, heralds of God.
Celebrate the Writings, every one.
But do not miss the Son.
Repeat chorus
Add: "We will be the generation that believes! Hey!"
© 2010 by Ed Vasicek. Anyone may use these lyrics, free of charge. If they are published, the author must be given credit for writing the lyrics.
By Ed Vasicek
Elohim is our Creator,
Man from adamah –the ground.
He gave His davar – the promise of His Word.
In sin man tried to hide, only to be found.
God made a way to bring us back around.
His Name Yeshua, the Name above all Names.
His Name is Yahweh, the ever existent One.
We say Baruch HaShem, Bless the Name.
For in Him we find life, and the life is the light of men.
Teshuvah means repentance, a return to our God.
Sacrifice means atonement – a Lamb must shed its blood.
The promised Lamb Messiah, Yeshua ben David
Risen Conqueror, Lion King above all kings.
We all struggle with hattat, besetting sin.
But God is qadosh, holy and pure within.
We break his mitzvot, and the wage is death.
Messiah can cleanse us, and breath his holy Breath.
© 2011 by Ed Vasicek. Anyone may use these lyrics, free of charge. If they are published, the author must be given credit for writing the lyrics.
Presenting Messiah
By Ed Vasicek
Baruch Ha Shem, bless the Name.
Bow the knee, our God proclaim.
Sound the shofar, heed to call
Messiah’s redemption from the Fall.
For Adam,