My sayings reflect who I am, a dedicated evangelical Christian with a Slovak attitude!
Denying what you are doing doesn't change what you are doing.
"Spring ambitions and zeal -- whether for evangelism, worship, or some other emphasis or program -- usually die with the summer weather."
"There is a line in which church music moves from a blessing to an idol. I don't know exactly where that line is, but to me it seems obvious when a church or a person is way over it."
"Damaged people sometimes become influential and lead the rest of us into an unbalanced over-correction for whatever wrong they have suffered. We are their therapy, but also their victims."
Just because believers are in conflict does not mean the rules no longer apply. We have to love both our brothers and our enemies. We need to speak the whole truth and refuse to view people who agree with us as wholly good and those who disagree as wholly evil. We also need to remember that we can only look on the outward appearance. God -- not us -- looks at the heart.
What's the use
Of being a mongoose,
If there's no mice
To munch?
No one is as boring as a completely sane person.
If it is brain dead, take it off of life support (used of church programs that are no longer effective but maintained because "they've always been").
I had a stint in the hospital to get a stent.
It was quite a stunt.
You often hear of bad checks, but not bad Slovaks.
The early bird catches the worm, but the night owl eats better.
The early worm gets eaten.
You know the hymn, "Morning Has Broken?" I completely agree -- and no one can fix it.
Because morning has broken, the rooster must crow at the crack of dawn.
If God wanted us to get up early, he would have made alarm clocks.
Sayings about church, the Christian life, etc.
Worship is not a spiritual state we reach, but something we do.
I am more concerned about being faithful than being consistent. The "consistency police" need to find something better to do.
The emotionalization of words drives me nuts. It's not "window treatments." They're curtains, duh. I don't want to "have a passion to worship as a Christ -follower." I want to be a Christian who loves and serves God with my whole heart. We need more believers who will expose buzz word fads for what they are -- gobbledygook. Buzz words do not change reality. Reframing traditional terminology for clarity can be useful, but following fad words makes truth trite. The best of words can become fad words, particularly if the "right people" use them. What is IS. You don't change reality, folks, by changing words.
To understand the Bible, you must understand its two themes: (1) Redemption through the blood sacrifice of the Messiah, and (2) God's unrelenting faithfulness to the descendants of Jacob, despite their unbelief.
When a church loses people with bad attitudes, the church has gained, not lost.
It is best to be near the center of the slob/snob spectrum.
People with an agenda are not fair with those who oppose it, and, worse yet, refuse to face that they are not fair. They feel no burden to even attempt to think fairly. If you are with them, you can do no wrong; if you oppose their agenda, you can do no right. Their opponent's every flaw is exaggerated and amplified while every virtue is quelled and stifled. They build a case to their consciences so they feel justified in their activism, and they seek to poison others, persuading them to imitate their unfair characterizations of their opponent(s). It is an exercise in dishonesty and self-deception, and exposes a dreadful level of emotional and ethical immaturity.