Sonburst Summer Youth
Activities – 2017
Highland Park Church
Kokomo, IN
Your (Youth's) Name: _____________________________________ Age: ______________
Have you been asked to not attend an HPC event in the past because of behavior issues?* _____
(if so, consider yourself disqualified to participate unless you are first cleared by Pastor Ed)
Address: ______________________________________ Phone: ___________________
City: _________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________
Email Address*:_________________________ Cell phone:_____________________
Permission for Treatment and Release of Liability:
I, ______________________________________[print], as parent or guardian, give my child,
________________________________________[print], permission to attend the events listed below with a group from Highland Park Church, with transportation provided by private vehicles to and from the events. I also understand my child we be held accountable to the following rules, and I will retrieve my son or daughter from the event if called upon to do so. I give my permission for my child to receive any necessary medical treatment and will hold Highland Park Church free of any liability in case of accident, injury, etc.
EVENT NAME: Any and all activities listed below as Sonburst Summer activities below, or replacement activities.
1. Whenever genders are mixed, there must be at least 3 youth/people in an area. Youth are not allowed to be alone as a gender-mixed couple.
2. For swimming and general dress, remember that modest is hottest.
3. No show of public affection is allowed during youth events, youth meetings, youth activities, or before or after these gatherings (while hanging out or waiting, for example).
4. Youth are expected to follow the rules and directions provided by youth leaders (or places we visit). Youth leaders have the discretion to correct what they consider to be inappropriate behavior. Failure to comply will result in parental notification or being sent home.
5. Listening to an Ipod, CD Walkman, an MP3 player, or texting, etc., are not allowed at group meetings or activities. Please keep cell phone use minimal and switch phone to off or "vibrate" mode during meetings. Lack of compliance will result in temporary confiscation.
Signature Page
I agree to abide by the above rules: x __________________________ _____________
(signature of youth) (date)
June 8 -- Cookout at the Vasiceks, 12 noon. Families welcome, including younger siblings with a supervising parent. We have a park adjacent to our home! We provide hamburgers/hotdogs/buns, please pitch in with soft drinks, sides, junk food, or desserts.
June 29 (a Thursday) -- Girls and Women Swim Party, 3PM at the F & T. Aldridge residence. Same cooking arrangement as above. Females siblings/parents also welcome.
June 10 (a Monday) -- Boys and Men Swim Party, 3PM at F& T Aldridge residence, same cooking arrangement. Male siblings/parents also welcome.
July 16-22-- Camp Emmanuel for both juniors (9-12) and senior campers (13 through just graduated).
July 28-- Trip to Jackrabbits Baseball game; whole church will be invited to join us.
I agree to all the above and permit my child(ren) to attend these activities and be transported (if applicable). Parents are always welcome to attend youth meetings and/or activities!
Parent/Guardian Signature: x _______________________________________________
Date signed: _____________________ Phone: __________________
Cell or emergency phone: __________________________ email _________________________
Please give to Pastor Ed or mail to:
Highland Park Church
P.O. Box 11
Kokomo, IN 46903-0011